Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16

A bit of knitting did get done today - more lace scarf - you really don't want to see endless pictures of that in progress, right? It's just been sitting in my basket for ummm... a long time now, and it's nice to feel that it's finally moving a bit. It also helps, of course, that my other three WIP (husband's socks, MS3, and spinning for husband's slippers) are just not calling to me right now. There's a chance it might actually get done at some point in the future.

My girls also wanted to do crafts today. Lily insisted that we cut off lengths of pretty embroidery floss colors so she could show Curly how to do Chinese staircase. They each started a necklace/bracelet. Lily finished and chose colors to make one 'for the baby'. She of course chose two different sets, as we aren't finding out in advance what gender it is. I tried to explain that she'd have plenty of time once the baby was born to make things for it, but.... Curly actually enjoyed tying knots with big sister, and wasn't too bad at it. I'll have to let her experiment more. She kept wanting me to help, and then wanted to do it by herself - until it got completely knotted up, and then she wanted me to help fix it. Life for a three year old.

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