My sister Carmen (blogless)
It was fun to hear from people, and I'm now on my way through the next 100 posts, keep commenting! :)
No new knitting today, just your daily dose of older projects...
My first sweater (red heart - dark blue with bright bits - cables in front):

And another early sweater (red heart - green, garter stripes):

I think by this point I had forsaken red heart and moved on to woolease, one for my then boyfriend (now husband):

..and one for me, with zipper :)

I don't really ever wear the red heart ones (unless I'm sick and mucky and cold), but we both still wear the woolease ones every once in a while.
For SSAL #2, I had some silk I wanted to sample... I've never spun 100% silk before, wow was that different. #2 was focused on andean plying, and following her directions it worked! (for those who don't spin, andean plying is a way of plying together a small amount by wrapping it a certain way on your hand so it doesn't tangle as you ply using both ends.)

I have a bunch more of that silk, now I just have to decide what I want to do with it, now that I know the feel it has to it.
1 comment:
Woo-hoo! Thanks, Lucy!
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