A couple of weeks ago, at my monthly craft night, I took 3 skeins of knit picks sock yarn that my husband had gotten for himself and then decided he didn't like, and I carefully put all three together, and used a US 10 (I think) and made these three hats. Two are baby sized, one is more toddler sized. I thought that'd be great to bring to the Yarn Harlot event at Webs soon. I'm thinking of making a couple more of these for Dulaan before I close and ship the box(es) - which will be after my brother's graduation (as my mom plans to knit during events until then and will probably have a couple more projects to squeeze in)
Last week at Webs, they had the fiber fair going on in the parking lot, and I picked up a big bag of alpaca. I washed a couple handfuls and teased and carded it, and then spun it up on my lace drop spindle. After making it into a 3 ply, I knit this Barbie skirt.

I ended up putting a big hook/eye in the back. I think it came out pretty cute, that theory was supported by the fact that my girls were (slightly) arguing over who was going to be the owner of the skirt when it was done (while I was sewing on the hook/eye). We decided that it will belong to the older daughter, but she will have to share.
On Saturday we went to the MA sheep and wool fair. It was our first time, and I brought my sweet husband and the two girls and my mom - who had not been to it before either. The girls were great and we lasted for 3-4 hours of looking and sheep...

and goats....

walking around and watching sheep get sheared....

...and touching soft fiber and yarns (and occasionally buying some)

(pictures of the contents of these bags to come in a couple of days, along with more highlights of the day)
I think we all had fun. The girls kept wanting to go back to the barns and see the sheep, until they were done and then they just wanted to keep me moving in the direction of the car. Unfortunately I didn't make it to see any of the contests etc, since by the time I was ready to look, they were ready to go. We did make it to a couple of booths that had angora bunnies. One of which was allowing them to be held, so everyone got a turn holding a bunny. It was fun to see Jenny in person again, and meet her friend. It was also nice to connect a face and voice with a couple of names from the spindlers list (Sheila and Jackie) My mom walked away with both a rakestraw and a plying paddle... I'll have to visit her house to explore those sometime soon.
On the recent socks, thanks for the compliments, and thank you Dot for your comment (and thank you Jenny for gushing about them on Saturday!). It is so nice to have the feedback.
In the US today is Memorial Day. It is nice to have it 'off' and get some spring/summer stuff done around the house, but it is important to remember why we do. Thank you to all those we honor today!
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