After taking a year off from swaps, I decided to participate (again) in the Ravelry Birthday Swap group. I was partnered up with someone else who had my same birthday and we sent nifty little packages to each other. She had mentioned that a mustard colored yarn would be cool - and look what I found on etsy:

So I spun it into a true 3-ply (haven't done many of those - usually a navajo ply it) and came up with this:

(the big skein is the 3-ply, the small skein is navajo plied of the extra singles)
Pretty yarn :)

I was pretty pleased with how it came out - didn't get a completely accurate yardage measurement, but it came out I think close to a DK (If I remember correctly?)
I then took a fun trip to Webs to finish off the package (and get some yarn for a couple other projects and such of course). So here's the complete package I sent to her:

And here was what she sent me for my birthday:

The chocolates and candies disappeared quickly, the kerchief went right on my head, the apron I have been using a lot already, and the sachet I haven't decided yet where to put it. The yarn and ribbons were for a project that she had seen on my favorites page, since the pattern is free she got me the other supplies needed so I could make it. It took me a couple days to cast on, and about a week or so to finish it:

So I had a great birthday! (My sweet husband also took the day off of work and did the homeschooling for me, made me take a bubble bath, took us out to lunch, and bowling, and then someone watched the kids while we ran errands and had a calmer dinner out... and presents spread throughout the day) Oh right, and one of the presents was three months of Yarn Pirate's new fiber club :) ...the first fiber came earlier this week...