My second package from my SP11 pal came in the mail today. There were things for the girls

The girls have already poured over the royalty pictures, and we played the game tonight (Curly came in first, then Lily, then husband, then me)
somethings for me...

The wire knitting book looks pretty cool, and the bright wire is awesome! She also included a package of cool sheepy tissues which I don't see in the picture.
somethings for hubby

He was so excited to have a little yarny goody. Amusingly enough, he is allergic to mint, so although he appreciates the thought, he handed them over to me (the yarn he kept though... hmmm...).
and some things for all of us:

The book contains both recipes and knitting patterns, and some pictures of the knitted gingerbread house made in England, on display summer of 2007. It was knitted by over 00 knitters across the world to raise funds for a couple of charities in England.

Very cool looking pictures in the book.
Thank you to my SP11 Pal - The package was great - it really brightened up the day (and the gingerbread men are for tomorrow's snack)!
M is also for Memories.
My report on Rhinebeck is old news now. If you want to know what we did, go here for my husband's take on the day. I really had a great day and weekend (I had a 5 hour nap on that Sunday). The trees were gorgeous on the drive to and from the fair grounds (2.5 hour drive each way). The girls had a blast doing the fun kid things, and there were tons of things for all of us to look at.
One of our favorites of the day was the act put on by Matt Jergens. During one of his shows he juggled a chain saw. He also juggled fire torches while on a 6 ft tall unicycle.

During a different show he balanced a basket of eggs on a long pole, balancing the end of the pole on his chin. I managed to catch this photo right before he umm... dropped the eggs.

We went through each of the vender areas (well, most of them) and then I went back for two things. One of the things I went back for was this gray superwash.

I bought them from Abi's Web and they are SOOO soft. I'm not quite sure what they will turn in to, but I got a couple so I would have options.
I also went back to Stony Mountain Fibers to pick up these.

I thought I had picked random colors that struck me that would maybe look well together (if I wanted to do some colorwork) I noticed while photographing them, that I picked up a rainbow.

(Red, Merino70/Tencel30; Hollyberry, Merino; Daffodil, Merino; Sage, Merino; Blue, Colonial Wool; Northern Lights, Colonial Wool; Dk Green, Colonial Wool)
My husband also picked up a set of stitch markers from them, and a Nostepinne.
My girls each chose something - Lily chose a little doll that looks like she's knitting and has a baby wrapped up on her back, and Curly chose three little finger puppets - a camel, a zebra, and a monkey.
M is also for Maternity, which is the type of clothes I am wearing now. Our third child, gender unknown, will be here sometime at the end of March. This is probably one of the reasons I knit less during the late summer/early fall this year. I've been too busy sleeping and eating and feeling awful. back to knitting, hopefully something finished to show soon!