Tuesday, May 05, 2009

One Year (a month later)

Ok, so it's been a month since I started this post - time to let it out of draft mode and let it be seen.

My little Tomato is growing up. He's a year (and a month) old now. For his birthday I finished this:

Cute huh?

...I thought it was much more cute this way:

This was on his actual birthday - this is one of the first times he stood by himself.

He isn't walking by himself yet, but he is all over the place and he looks so much bigger already.

I did the sweater top down and it was a good thing I had done it that way. The first time I tried it on him it fit ok, but every time I picked him up I had to tug it back down. I went back and added a couple more inches to the body and it works much better now. He was willing to let me take pictures all I wanted, as long as I kept handing over some animal crackers (and let him take the hood off).

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