Thursday, March 22, 2007


Progress is being made on the new baby blanket. It has a three row pattern and I am going to be rotating through 4 colors.

The cast on edge looks nice, and there is a good three stitch border on each side, so when I am finished with the length I will be done with the whole blanket. I knew I wanted to do a knit ripple, and looked for a pattern online for a while before I found one that wasn't done in strips - this is one from Project Linus which means that I will probably do something for them later in order to feel like I paid it back.

I got a prize today! I had sent off some muppet hats and won a random prize.

It's a good sized bag by knitted bits. It will definately fit a small project, and perhaps will fit my spindle stuff instead. How cool :) Thanks Kate for letting us help and then rewarding us for it!

tammy said:
...I love your handspun, and I noticed that you have a Spindolyn. Do you like it? I haven't been able to get the hang of drop spindles. I keep dropping them or various other bad things!

Yes, I love my spindolyn. I did some coral yarn on it, and I have some plain wool on it right now...sitting there, but plan to get back to it soon, as it is very comfortable to spin in my big comfy chair with it. Drop spindles are a bit to learn all at once, my tip would be to draft some fiber, wrap it up loosely and put that in a project bag on your wrist, and then just practice moving the twist into the fiber - usually people have a hard time moving the fiber faster than the twist and you end up with thick heavily twisted yarn that eventually snaps when you finally hit a thin spot. It's all an issue of combining fiber and twist in the right amounts - and having a light weight spindle helps, as then your new yarn doesn't have to support much!

1 comment:

tammy said...

Thank you for telling me a bit about the Spindolyn. I think I'm going to order one. I really want to try it out!