Monday, November 01, 2010

Socks and Socks and... Mittens?

Alrighty, no pictures this time, just a quick catch-up and a promise of pictures next time.

Since my last post I finished the brown tunic for the girls and a pair of socks for me. I am SO close to being done with another pair of socks for the sweet husband. However, halloween, with it's need of costumes, has prevented that. Progress was made today now that halloween is done, and they should be finished soon.

That is excellent since earlier this week we canvassed the 'warm things' basket in the front closet and while hats and scarves are in good supply we are completely out of mittens or gloves that fit this year's hands. Since last year's hands are gone and will not be returning I guess I will be starting new mittens within the next week...

(I'm torn whether it's a good sign or not that the Little Tomato put his hand into daddy's new sock-in-progress and declared that his hand was warm and I needed to knit for him now)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that your son want you to knit for him now! So cute and funny!