So, although I don't have photographic proof, I spent this weekend being very productive. In no particular order I did the following over this past long weekend:
Made 2 hearty veggie and ham quiches
Enjoyed a fire in the fireplace (finally burning the last of the Christmas wrapping paper)
Went to church
Had a nap
Helped my husband clean his workshop (small square room, randomly junked with stuff from finishing our upstairs - now the floor is clear and most of his tools are findable!)
Cheered him on while he undid pipes and fixed our clogged bathroom sink
Planned a lesson for Tuesday (5 kids, 105minutes: intro to our new science unit and review of geography bee information from the fall unit. We also ended up taking a mile walk in a big loop and having them draw a map of it since the first section of our new science unit is on maps. We only ended about 7 minutes early!)
Typed up a schedule of what's due when for this new science unit (hopefully having our last class the end of May)
Wrote up a shopping list (and thanked my husband profusely for taking two kids and doing the shopping trip)
Watched my husband play with his new technology toy and decided I wanted one also with some of our tax refund money
Finished a book (and started two new ones!)
Played Plants vs. Zombies with my three year old boy
Knit more on a sleeve (that isn't quite right and will be ripped out, more on that later this week)
Watched more House on Hulu before it expired
Watched more Once Upon a Time on Hulu with my girls before it expired
Enjoyed getting more flowers from my Sweet Husband
Gave my son a haircut
It was a busy long weekend!